Hosted by Three Crickets

Scalable REST Platform
For the JVM

Prudence logo: bullfinch in flight

Utilities for Restlet

If you are a Restlet Java programmer, Prudence may still be of use to you. The Prudence standalone Jar has several well-documented classes useful for any Restlet application. They're all in the "com.threecrickets.prudence.util" package, and introduced below.
Also, remember that can use Sincerity without Prudence: Sincerity's Restlet skeleton gives you all the benefits of JavaScript-based configuration and bootstrapping for your Java Restlet applications. Use Java where it matters, JavaScript where it doesn't: don't waste your time recompiling Java when all you need is some external, deployment-related features. Edit your scripts on the fly, and you're done.

Utility Restlets

We wish these general-purpose utilities existed in the standard Restlet library!

Client Data

These classes add no new functionality, but make working with some client data a bit easier.


Restlet's server-side redirection works by creating a new request. Unfortunately, this means that some information from the original request is lost. Prudence includes a set of classes that work together to preserve the original URI, which we here call the "captured" URI.

Fallback Routing

"Fallback" is a powerful new routing paradigm introduced in Prudence that lets you attach multiple restlets to a single route.

Resolver Selection

Restlet does not provide an easy way to use different template variable resolver instances (see Restlet issue 798 for more information). We've created new implementations of a few of the core classes that let you choose which resolver to use.

Web Filters

A set of Filter classes for web technologies.

Other Utilities

The Prudence Manual is provided for you under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The complete manual is available for download as a PDF.

Download manual as PDF Creative Commons License