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Scalable REST Platform
For the JVM

Prudence logo: bullfinch in flight

Scaling Tips

Scalability is the ability to respond to a growing number of user requests without degradation in response time. Two variables influence it: 1) your total number of threads and 2) the time it takes each thread to process a request. Increasing the number of threads seems straightforward: you can keep adding more machines behind load balancers. However, the two variables are tied, as there are diminishing returns and even reversals: beyond a certain point, time per request can actually grow longer as you add threads and machines.
Let's ignore the first variable here, because the challenge of getting more machines is mostly financial. It's the second that you can do something about as an engineer.
If you want your application to handle many concurrent users, then you're fighting this fact: a request will get queued in the best case or discarded in the worst case if there is no thread available to serve it. Your challenge is to make sure that a thread is always available. And it's not easy, as you'll find out as you read through this article. Minimizing the time per request becomes an architectural challenge that encompasses the entire structure of your application

Performance Does Not Equal Scalability

Performance does not equal scalability. Performance does not equal scalability. Performance does not equal scalability.
Get it? Performance does not equal scalability.
This is an important mantra for two reasons:

1. Performant Can Mean Less Scalable

Optimizing for performance can adversely affect your scalability. The reason is contextual: when you optimize for performance, you often work in an isolated context, specifically so you can accurately measure response times and fine-tune them. For example, making sure that a specific SQL query is fast would involve just running that query. A full-blown experiment involving millions of users doing various operations on your application would make it very hard to accurately measure and optimize the query. Unfortunately, by working in an isolated context you cannot easily see how your efforts would affect other parts of an application. To do so would require a lot of experience and imagination. To continue our example, in order to optimize your one SQL query you might create an index. That index might need to be synchronized with many servers in your cluster. And that synchronization overhead, in turn, could seriously affect your ability to scale. Congratulations! You've made one query run fast in a situation that never happens in real life, and you've brought your web site to a halt.
One way to try to get around this is to fake scale. Tools such as JMeter, Siege and ApacheBench can create "load." They also create unfounded confidence in engineers. If you simulate 10,000 users bombarding a single web page, then you're, as before, working in an isolated context. All you've done is add concurrency to your performance optimization measurements. Your application pathways might work optimally in these situations, but this might very well be due to the fact that the system is not doing anything else. Add those "other" operations in, and you might get worse site capacity than you did before "optimizing."
(The folk who make Jetty have an interesting discussion of this.)

2. Wasted Effort

Even if you don't adversely affect your scalability through optimizing for performance, you might be making no gains, either. No harm done? Well, plenty of harm, maybe. Optimizing for performance might waste a lot of development time and money. This effort would be better spent on work that could actually help scalability.
And, perhaps more seriously, it demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem field. If you don't know what your problems are, you'll never be able to solve them.


Study the problem field carefully. Understand the challenges and potential pitfalls. You don't have to apply every single scalability strategy up-front, but at least make sure you're not making a fatal mistake, such as binding yourself strongly to a technology or product with poor scalability. A bad decision can mean that when you need to scale up in the future, no amount of money and engineering effort would be able to save you before you lose customers and tarnish your brand.
Moreover, be very careful of blindly applying "successful" strategies used and recommended by others to your product. What worked for them might not work for you. In fact, there's a chance that their strategy doesn't even work for them, and they just think it did because of a combination of seemingly unrelated factors. The realm of web scalability is still young, full of guesswork, intuition and magical thinking. Even the experts are often making it up as they're going along.
Generally, be very suspicious of products or technologies being touted as "faster" than others. "Fast" doesn't say anything about the ability to scale. Is a certain database engine "fast"? That's important for certain applications, no doubt. But maybe the database is missing important clustering features, such that it would be a poor choice for scalable applications. Does a certain programming language execute faster than another? That's great if you're doing video compression, but speed of execution might not have a noticeable effect on scalability. Web applications mostly do I/O, not computation. The same web application might have very similar performance characteristics whether it's written in C++ or PHP.
Moreover, if the faster language is difficult to work with, has poor debugging tools, limited integration with web technologies, then it would slow down your work and your ability to scale.
Speed of execution can actually help scalability in its financial aspect: If your application servers are constantly at maximum CPU load, then a faster execution platform would let you cram more web threads into each server. This could help you reduce costs. For example, see Facebook's HipHop: they saved millions by translating their PHP code to C. Because Prudence is built on the fast JVM platform, you're in good hands in this respect. Note, however, that there's a potential pitfall to high performance: more threads per machine would also mean more RAM requirements per machine, which also costs money. Crunch the numbers and make sure that you're actually saving money by increasing performance. Once again, performance does not equal scalability.
That last point about programming languages is worth some elaboration. Beyond how well your chosen technologies perform, it's important to evaluate them in terms to how easy they are to manage. Large web sites are large projects, involving large teams of people and large amounts of money. That's difficult enough to coordinate. You want the technology to present you with as few extra managerial challenges as possible.
Beware especially of languages and platforms described as "agile," as if they somehow embody the spirit of the popular Agile Manifesto. Often, "agile" seems to emphasize the following features: forgiveness for syntax slips, light or no type checking, automatic memory management and automatic concurrency—all features that seem to speed up development, but could just as well be used for sloppy, error-prone, hard-to-debug, and hard-to-fix code, slowing down development in the long run. If you're reading this article, then your goal is likely not to create a quick demo, but a stable application with a long, evolving life span.
Ignore the buzzwords ("productivity", "fast"), and instead make sure you're choosing technology that you can control, instead of technology that will control you.
We discuss this topic some more in "The Case for REST". By building on the existing web infrastructure, Prudence can make large Internet projects easier to manage.


Be especially careful of applying a solution before you know if you even have a problem.
How to identify your scalability bottlenecks? You can create simulations and measurements of scalability rather than performance. You need to model actual user behavior patterns, allow for a diversity of such behaviors to happen concurrently, and replicate this diversity on a massive scale.
Creating such a simulation is a difficult and expensive, as is monitoring and interpreting the results and identifying potential bottlenecks. This is the main reason for the lack of good data and good judgment about how to scale. Most of what we know comes from tweaking real live web sites, which either comes at the expense of user experience, or allows for very limited experimentation. Your best bet is to hire a team who's already been through this before.

Optimizing for Scalability

In summary, your architectural objective is to increase concurrency, not necessarily performance. Optimizing for concurrency means breaking up tasks into as many pieces as possible, and possibly even breaking requests into smaller pieces. We'll cover numerous strategies here, from frontend to backend. Meanwhile, feel free to frame these inspirational slogans on your wall:
Requests are hot potatoes: Pass them on!
It's better to have many short requests than one long one.


Retrieving from a cache can be orders of magnitude faster than dynamically processing a request. It's your most powerful tool for increasing concurrency.
Caching, however, is only effective is there's something in the cache. It's pointless to cache fragments that appear only to one user on only one page that they won't return to. On the other hand, there may very well be fragments on the page that will recur often. If you design your page carefully to allow for fragmentation, you will reap the benefits of fine-grained caching. Remember, though, that the outermost fragment's expiration defines the expiration of the included fragments. It's thus good practice to define no caching on the page itself, and only to cache fragments.
In your plan for fine-grained caching with Prudence, take special care to isolate those fragments that cannot be cached, and cache everything around them.
Make sure to change the cache key template to fit the lowest common denominator: you want as many possible requests to use the already-cached data, rather than generating new data. Note that, by default, Prudence includes the request URI in the cache key. Fragments, though, may very well appear identically in many different URIs. You would thus not want the URI as part of their cache key.
Cache aggressively, but also take cache validation seriously. Make good use of Prudence's cache tags to allow you to invalidate portions of the cache that should be updated as data changes. Note, though, that every time you invalidate you will lose caching benefits. If possible, make sure that your cache tags don't cover too many pages. Invalidate only those entries that really need to be invalidated.
(It's sad that many popular web sites do cache validation so poorly. Users have come to expect that sometimes they see wrong, outdated data on a page, sometimes mixed with up-to-date data. The problem is usually solved within minutes, or after a few browser refreshes, but please do strive for a better user experience in your web site!)
If you're using a background task, you might want to invalidate tagged cache entries when tasks are done. Consider creating a special internal API that lets the task handler call back to your application to do this.
How long should you cache? As long as the user can bear! In a perfect world, of limitless computing resources, all pages would always be generated freshly per request. In a great many cases, however, there is no harm at all if users see some data that's a few hours or a few days old.
Note that even very small cache durations can make a big difference in application stability. Consider it the maximum throttle for load. For example, a huge sudden peak of user load, or even a denial-of-service (DOS) attack, might overrun your thread pool. However, a cache duration of just 1 second would mean that your page would never be generated more than once every second. You are instantly protected against a destructive scenario.

Cache Warming

Caches work best when they are "warm," meaning that they are full of data ready to be retrieved.
A "cold" cache is not only useless, but it can also lead indirectly to a serious problem. If your site has been optimized for a warm cache, starting from cold could significantly strain your performance, as your application servers struggle to generate all pages and fragments from scratch. Users would be getting slow response times until the cache is significantly warm. Worse, your system could crash under the sudden extra load.
There are two strategies to deal with cold caches. The first is to allow your cache to be persistent, so that if you restart the cache system it retains the same warmth it had before. This happens automatically with database-backed caches. The second strategy is to deliberately warm up the cache in preparation for user requests.
Consider creating a special external process or processes to do so. Here are some tips:
  1. Consider mechanisms to make sure that your warmer does not overload your system or take too much bandwidth from actual users. The best warmers are adaptive, changing their load according to what the servers can handle. Otherwise, consider shutting down your site for a certain amount of time until the cache is sufficiently warm.
  2. If the scope is very large, you will have to pick and choose which pages to warm up. In Prudence, this is supported via app.preheat. You would want to choose only the most popular pages, in which case you might need a system to record and measure popularity. For example, for a blog, it's not enough just to warm up, say, the last two weeks of blog posts, because a blog post from a year ago might be very popular at the moment. Effective warming would require you to find out how many times certain blog posts were hit in the past two weeks. It might make sense to embed this auditing ability into the cache backend itself.

Pre-Filling the Cache

If there are thousands of ways in which users can organize a data view, and each of these views is particular to one user, then it may make little sense to cache them individually, because individual schemes would hardly ever be re-used. You'll just be filling up the cache with useless entries.
Take a closer look, though:
  1. It may be that of the thousands of organization schemes only a few are commonly used, so it's worth caching the output of just those.
  2. It could be that these schemes are similar enough to each other that you could generate them all in one operation, and save them each separately in the cache. Even if cache entries will barely be used, if they're cheap to create, it still might be worth creating them.
This leads us to an important point:
Prudence is a "frontend" platform, in that it does not specify which data backend, if at all, you should use. Its cache, however, is general purpose, and you can store in it anything that you can encode as a string.
Let's take as a pre-filling example a tree data structure in which branches can be visually opened and closed. Additionally, according to user permissions different parts of the tree may be hidden. Sounds too complicated to cache all the view combinations? Well, consider that you can trigger, upon any change to the tree data structure, a function that loops through all the different iterations of the tree recursively and saves a view of each of them to the cache. The cache keys can be something like "branch1+.branch2-.branch3+", with "+" and "-" signifying whether the branch is visually open or closed. You can use similar +'s and -'s for permissions, and create views per permission combinations. Later, when users with specific permissions request different views of the tree, no problem: all possibilities were already pre-filled. You might end up having to generate and cache thousands of views at once, but the difference between generating one view and generating thousands of views may be quite small, because the majority of that duration is spent communicating with the database backend.
If generating thousands of views takes too long for the duration of a single request, another option is to generate them on a separate thread. Even if it takes a few minutes to generate all the many, many tree view combinations, it might be OK in your application for views to be a few minutes out-of-date. Consider that the scalability benefits can be very significant: you generate views only once for the entire system, while millions of concurrent users do a simple retrieval from the cache.

Caching the Data Backend

Pre-filling the cache can take you very far. It is, however, quite complicated to implement, and can be ineffective if data changes too frequently or if the cache has to constantly be updated. Also, it's hard to scale the pre-filling to millions of fragments.
If we go back to our tree example above, the problem was that it was too costly to fetch the entire tree from the database. But what if we cache the tree itself? In that case, it would be very quick to generate any view of the tree on-demand. Instead of caching the view, we'd be caching the data, and achieving the same scalability gains.
Easy, right? So why not cache all our data structures? The reason is that it's very difficult to do this correctly beyond trivial examples. Data structures tend to have complex interrelationships (one-to-many, many-to-many, foreign keys, recursive tree structures, graphs, etc.) such that a change in data at one point of the structure may alter various others in particular ways. For example, consider a calendar database, and that you're caching individual days with all their events. Weekly calendar views are then generated on the fly (and quickly) for users according to what kinds of events they want to see in their personal calendars. What happens if a user adds a recurring event that happens every Monday? You'll need to make sure that all Mondays currently cached would be invalidated, which might mean tagging all these as "monday" using Prudence's cache tags. This requires a specific caching strategy for a specific application.
By all means, cache your data structures if you can't easily cache your output, but be aware of the challenge!

Cache Backends

Your cache backend can become a bottleneck to scalability if 1) it can't handle the amount of data you are storing, or 2) it can't respond quickly enough to cache fetching.
Before you start worrying about this, consider that it's a rare problem to have. Even if you are caching millions of pages and fragments, a simple relational-database-backed cache, such as Prudence's SqlCache implementations, could handle this just fine. A key/value table is the most trivial workload for relational databases, and it's also easy to shard. Relational database are usually very good at caching these tables in their memory and responding optimally to read requests. Prudence even lets you chain caches together to create tiers: an in-process memory cache in front of a SQL cache would ensure that many requests don't even reach the SQL backend.
High concurrency can also be handled very well by this solution. Despite any limits to the number of concurrent connections you can maintain to the database, each request is handled very quickly, and it would require very high loads to saturate. The math is straightforward: with a 10ms average retrieval time (very pessimistic!) and a maximum of 10 concurrent database connections (again, pessimistic!) you can handle 1,000 cache hits per second. A real environment would likely provide results orders of magnitude better.
The nice thing about this solution is that it uses the infrastructure you already have: the database.
But, what if you need to handle millions of cache hits per second? First, let us congratulate you for your global popularity. Second, there is a simple solution: distributed memory caches. Prudence comes with Hazelcast and support for memcached, which both offer much better scalability than database backends. Because the cache is in memory, you lose the ability to easily persist your cache and keep it warm: restarting your cache nodes will effectively reset them. There are workarounds—for example, parts of the cache can be persisted to a second database-backed cache tier—but this is a significant feature to lose.
Actually, Hazelcast offers fail-safe, live backups. While it's not quite as permanent as a database, it might be good enough for your needs. And memcached has various plugins that allow for real database persistence, though using them would require you to deal with the scalability challenges of database backends.
You'll see many web frameworks out there that support a distributed memory cache (usually memcached) and recommend you use it ("it's fast!" they claim, except that it can be slower per request than optimized databases, and that anyway performance does not equal scalability). We'd urge you to consider that advice carefully: keeping your cache warm is a challenge made much easier if you can store it in a persistent backend, and database backends can take you very far in scale without adding a new infrastructure to your deployment. It's good to know, though, that Prudence's support for Hazelcast and memcached is there to help you in case you reach the popularity levels of LiveJournal, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

Client-Side Caching

Modern web browsers support client-side caching, a feature meant to improve the user experience and save bandwidth costs. A site that makes good use of client-side caching will appear to work fast for users, and will also help to increase your site's popularity index with search engines.
Optimizing the user experience is not the topic of this article: our job here is to make sure your site doesn't degrade its performance as load increases. However, client-side caching can indirectly help you scale by reducing the number of hits you have to take in order for your application to work.
Actually, doing a poor job with client-side caching can help you scale: users will hate your site and stop using it—voila, less hits you have to deal with. OK, that was a joke!
Generally, Prudence handles client-side caching automatically. If you cache a page, then headers will be set to ask the client to cache for the same length of time. By default, conditional mode is used: every time the client tries to view a page, it will make a request to make sure that nothing has changed since their last request to the page. In case nothing has changed, no content is returned.
You can also turn on "offline caching" mode, in which the client will avoid even that quick request. Why not enable offline caching by default? Because it involves some risk: if you ask to cache a page for one week, but then find out that you have a mistake in your application, then users will not see any fix you publish until their local cache expires, which can take up to a week! It's important that you you understand the implications before using this mode. See the caching guide for a complete discussion.
It's generally safer to apply offline caching to your static resources, such as graphics and other resources. A general custom is to ask the client to cache these "forever" (10 years), and then, if you need to update a file, you simply create a new one with a new URL, and have all your HTML refer to the new version. Because clients cache according to URL, their cached for the old version will simply not be ignored. See static resources guide. There, you'll also see some more tricks Prudence offers you to help optimize the user experience, such as unifying/minimizing client-side JavaScript and CSS.

Upstream Caching

If you need to quickly scale a web site that has not been designed for caching, a band-aid is available: upstream caches, such as Varnish, NCache and even Squid. For archaic reasons, these are sometimes called "reverse proxy" caches, but they really work more like filters: according to attributes in the user request (URL, cookies, etc.), they decide whether to fetch and send a cached version of the response, or to allow the request to continue to your application servers.
The crucial use case is archaic, too. If you're using an old web framework in which you cannot implement caching logic yourself, or cannot plug in to a good cache backend, then these upstream caches can do it for you.
They are problematic in two ways:
  1. Decoupling caching logic from your application means losing many features. For example, invalidating portions of the cache is difficult if not impossible. It's because of upstream caching, indeed, that so many web sites do a poor job at showing up-to-date information.
  2. Filtering actually implements a kind of partitioning, but one that is vertical rather than horizontal. In horizontal partitioning, a "switch" decides to send requests to one cluster of servers or another. Within each cluster, you can control capacity and scale. But in vertical partitioning, the "filter" handles requests internally. Not only is the "filter" more complex and vulnerable than a "switch" as a frontend connector to the world, but you've also complicated your ability to control the capacity of the caching layer. It's embedded inside your frontend, rather than being another cluster of servers. We'll delve into backend partitioning below.
Unfortunately, there is a use case relevant for newer web frameworks, too: if you've designed your application poorly, and you have many requests that could take a long time to complete, then your thread pools could get saturated when many users are concurrently making those requests. When saturated, you cannot handle even the super-quick cache requests. An upstream cache band-aid could, at least, keep serving its cached pages, even though your application servers are at full capacity. This creates an illusion of scalability: some users will see your web site behaving fine, while others will see it hanging.
The real solution would be to re-factor your application so that it does not have long requests, guaranteeing that you're never too saturated to handle tiny requests. Below are tips on how to do this.

Dealing with Lengthy Requests

One size does not fit all: you will want to use different strategies to deal with different kinds of tasks.

Deferrable Tasks

Deferrable tasks are tasks that can be resolved later, without impeding on the user's ability to continue using the application.
If the deferrable task is deterministically fast, you can do all processing in the request itself. If not, you should queue the task on a handling service. Prudence's background tasks implementation is a great solution for deferrable tasks, as it lets you run tasks on other threads or even distribute them in a Hazelcast cluster.
Deferring tasks does present a challenge to the user experience: What do you do if the task fails and the user needs to know about it? One solution can be to send a warning email or other kind of message to the user. Another solution could be to have your client constantly poll in the background (via "AJAX") to see if there are any error messages, which in turn might require you to keep a queue of such error messages per user.
Before you decide on deferring a task, think carefully of the user experience: for example, users might be constantly refreshing a web page waiting to see the results of their operation. Perhaps the task you thought you can defer should actually be considered necessary (see below)?

Necessary Tasks

Necessary tasks are tasks that must be resolved before the user can continue using the application.
If the necessary task is deterministically fast, you can do all processing in the request itself. If not, you should queue the task on a handling service and return a "please wait" page to the user.
It would be nice to add a progress bar or some other kind of estimation of how long it would take for the task to be done, with a maximum duration set after which the task should be considered to have failed. The client would poll until the task status is marked "done," after which they would be redirected back to the application flow. Each polling request sent by the client could likely be processed very quickly, so this this strategy effectively breaks the task into many small requests ("It's better to have many short requests than one long one").
Prudence's background tasks implementation is a good start for creating such a mechanism: however, it would be up to you to create a "please wait" mechanism, as well as a way to track the tasks' progress and deal with failure.
Implementing such a handling service is not trivial. It adds a new component to your architecture, one that also has to be made to scale. One can also argue that it adversely affects user experience by adding overhead, delaying the time it takes for the task to complete. The bottom line, though, is you're vastly increasing concurrency and your ability to scale. And, you're improving the user experience in one respect: they would get a feedback on what's going on rather than having their browsers spin, waiting for their requests to complete.

File Uploads

These are potentially very long requests that you cannot break into smaller tasks, because they depend entirely on the client. As such, they present a unique challenge to scalability.
Fortunately, Prudence handles client requests via non-blocking I/O, meaning that large file uploads will not hold on to a single thread for the duration of the upload. See accepting uploads.
Unfortunately, many concurrent uploads will still saturate your threads. If your application relies on frequent file uploads, you are advised to handle such requests on separate Prudence instances, so that uploads won't stop your application from handling other web requests. You may also consider using a third-party service specializing in file storage and web uploads.

Asynchronous Request Processing

Having the client poll until a task is completed lets you break up a task into multiple requests and increase concurrency. Another strategy is to break an individual request into pieces. While you're processing the request and preparing the response, you can free the web thread to handle other requests. When you're ready to deliver content, you raise a signal, and the next available web thread takes care of sending your response to the client. You can continue doing this indefinitely until the response is complete. From the client's perspective it's a single request: a web browser, for example, would spin until the request was completed.
You might be adding some extra time overhead for the thread-switching on your end, but the benefits for scalability are obvious: you are increasing concurrency by shortening the time you are holding on to web threads.
For web services that deliver heavy content, such as images, video, audio, it's absolutely necessary. Without it, a single user could tie up a thread for minutes, if not hours. You would still get degraded performance if you have more concurrent users than you have threads, but at least degradation will be shared among users. Without asynchronous processing, each user would tie up one thread, and when that finite resource is used up, more users won't be able to access your service.
Even for lightweight content such as HTML web pages, asynchronous processing can be a good tactic for increasing concurrency. For example, if you need to fetch data from a backend with non-deterministic response time, it's best to free the web thread until you actually have content available for the response.
It's not a good idea to do this for every page. While it's better to have many short requests instead of one long one, it's obviously better to have one short request rather than many short ones. Which web requests are good candidates for asynchronous processing?
  1. Requests for which processing is made of independent operations. (They'll likely be required to work in sequence, but if they can be processed in parallel, even better!)
  2. Requests that must access backend services with non-deterministic response times.
And, even for #2, if the service can take a very long time to respond, consider that it might be better to queue the task on a task handler and give proper feedback to the user.
And so, after this lengthy discussion, it turns out that there aren't that many places where asynchronous processing can help you scale. Caching is far more useful.
As of Prudence 2.0, there is no support for asynchronous processing. However, it is planned for a future release, depending on proper support being included in Restlet.

Backend Partitioning

You can keep adding more nodes behind a load balancer insofar as each request does not have to access shared state. Useful web applications, however, are likely data-driven, requiring considerable state.
If the challenge in handling web requests is cutting down the length of request, then that of backends is the struggle against degraded performance as you add new nodes to your database cluster. These nodes have to synchronize their state with each other, and that synchronization overhead increases exponentially. There's a definite point of diminishing returns.
The backend is one place where high-performance hardware can help. Ten expensive, powerful machines might be equal in total power to forty cheap machines, but they require a quarter of the synchronization overhead, giving you more elbow room to scale up. Fewer nodes means better scalablity.
But CPUs can only take you so far.
Partitioning is as useful to backend scaling as caching is to web request scaling. Rather than having one big cluster of identical nodes, you would have several smaller, independent clusters. This lets you add nodes to each cluster without spreading synchronization overhead everywhere. The more partitions you can create, the better you'll be able to scale.
Partitioning can happen in various components of your application, such as application servers, the caching system, task queues, etc. However, it is most effective, and most complicated to implement, for databases. Our discussion will thus focus on relational (SQL) databases. Other systems would likely require simpler subsets of these strategies.

Reads vs. Writes

This simple partitioning scheme greatly reduces synchronization overhead. Read-only servers will never send data to the writable servers. Also, knowing that they don't have to handle writes means you can optimize their configurations for aggressive caching.
(In fact, some database synchronization systems will only let you create this kind of cluster, providing you with one "master" writable node and several read-only "slaves." They force you to partition!)
Another nice thing about read/write partitioning is that you can easily add it to all the other strategies. Any cluster can thus be divided into two.
Of course, for web services that are heavily balanced towards writes, this is not an effective strategy. For example, if you are implementing an auditing service that is constantly being bombarded by incoming data, but is only queried once in a while, then an extra read-only node won't help you scale.
Note that one feature you lose is the ability to have a transaction in which a write might happen, because a transaction cannot contain both a read-only node and a write-only node. If you must have atomicity, you will have to do your transaction on the writable cluster, or have two transactions: one to lookup and see if you need to change the data, and the second to perform the change—while first checking again that data didn't change since the previous transaction. Too much of this obviously lessens the effectiveness of read/write partitioning.

By Feature

The most obvious and effective partitioning scheme is by feature. Your site might offer different kinds of services that are functionally independent of each other, even though they are displayed to users as united. Behind the scenes, each feature uses a different set of tables. The rule of thumb is trivial: if you can put the tables in separate databases, then you can put these databases in separate clusters.
One concern in feature-based partitioning is that there are a few tables that still need to be shared. For example, even though the features are separate, they all depend on user settings that are stored in one table.
The good news is that it can be cheap to synchronize just this one table between all clusters. Especially if this table doesn't change often—how often do you get new users signing up for your service?—then synchronization overhead will be minimal.
If your database system doesn't let you synchronize individual tables, then you can do it in your code by writing to all clusters at the same time.
Partitioning by feature is terrific in that it lets you partition other parts of the stack, too. For example, you can also use a different set of web servers for each feature.
Also consider that some features might be candidates for using a "NoSQL" database. Choose the best backend per feature.

By Section

Another kind of partitioning is sometimes called "sharding." It involves splitting up tables into sections that can be placed in different databases. Some databases support sharding as part of their synchronization strategy, but you can also implement it in your code. The great thing about sharding is that it lets you create as many shards (and clusters) as you want. It's the key to the truly large scale.
Unfortunately, like partitioning by feature, sharding is not always possible. You need to also shard all related tables, so that queries can be self-contained within each shard. It's thus most appropriate for one-to-many data hierarchies. For example, if your application is a blog that supports comments, then you put some blogs and their comments on one shard, and others in another shard. However, if, say, you have a feature where blog posts can refer to other arbitrary blog posts, then querying for those would have to cross shard boundaries.
The best way to see where sharding is possible is to draw a diagram of your table relationships. Places in the diagram which look like individual trees—trunks spreading out into branches and twigs—are good candidates for sharding.
How to decide which data goes in which shard?
Sometimes the best strategy is arbitrary. For example, put all the even-numbered IDs in one shard, and the odd-numbered ones in another. This allows for straightforward growth because you can just switch it to division by three if you want three shards.
Another strategy might seem obvious: If you're running a site which shows different sets of data to different users, then why not implement it as essentially separate sites? For example, a social networking site strictly organized around individual cities could have separate database clusters per city.
A "region" can be geographical, but also topical. For example, a site hosting dance-related discussion forums might have one cluster for ballet and one for tango. A "region" can also refer to user types. For example, your social networking site could be partitioned according to age groups.
The only limitation is queries. You can still let users access profiles in other regions, but cross-regional relational queries won't be possible. Depending on what your application does, this could be a reasonable solution.
A great side-benefit to geographical partitioning is that you can host your servers at data centers within the geographical location, leading to better user experiences. Regional partitioning is useful even for "NoSQL" databases.

Coding Tips for Partitioning

If you organize your code well, it would be very easy to implement partitioning. You simply assign different database operations to use different connection pools. If it's by feature, then you can hard code it for those features. If it's sharding, then you add a switch before each operation telling it which connection pool to use.
For example:
def get_blogger_profile(user_id):
    connection = blogger_pool.get_connection()
def get_blog_post_and_comments(blog_post_id):
    shard_id = % 3
    connection = blog_pools[shard_id].get_connection()
Unfortunately, some programming practices make such an effective, clean organization difficult.
Some developers prefer to use ORMs (object-relational mappers) rather than access the database directly. Many ORMs do not easily allow for partitioning, either because they support only a single database connection pool, or because they don't allow your objects to be easily shared between connections.
For example, your logic might require you to retrieve an "object" from the database, and only then decide if you need to alter it or not. If you're doing read/write partitioning, then you obviously want to read from the read partition. Some ORMs, though, have the object tied so strongly to an internal connection object that you can't trivially read it from one connection and save it into another. You'd either have to read the object initially from the write partition, minimizing the usefulness of read/write partitioning, or re-read it from the write partition when you realize you need to alter it, causing unnecessary overhead. (Note that you'll need to do this anyway if you need the write to happen in a transaction.)
Object oriented design is also problematic in a more general sense. The first principle of object orientation is "encapsulation," putting your code and data structure in one place: the class. This might make sense for business logic, but, for the purposes of re-factoring your data backend for partitioning or other strategies, you really don't want the data access code to be spread out among dozens of classes in your application. You want it all in one place, preferably even one source code file. It would let you plug in a whole new data backend strategy by replacing this source code file. For data-driven web development, you are better off not being too object oriented.
Even more generally speaking, organizing code together by mechanism or technology, rather than by "object" encapsulation, will let you apply all kinds of re-factorizations more easily, especially if you manage to decouple your application's data structures from any library-specific data structures.

Data Backends

Relational (SQL) databases such as MySQL were, for decades, the backbone of the web. They were originally developed as minimal alternatives to enterprise database servers such as Oracle Database and IBM's DB2. Their modest feature set allowed for better performance, smaller footprints, and low investment costs—perfect for web applications. The free software LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) was the web.
Relational databases require a lot of synchronization overhead for clusters, limiting their scalability. Though partitioning can take you far, using a "NoSQL" database could take you even further.

Graph Databases

If your relational data structure contains arbitrary-depth relationships or many "generic" relationships forced into a relational model, then consider using a graph database instead. Not only will traversing your data be faster, but also the database structure will allow for more efficient performance. The implications for scalability can be dramatic.
Social networking applications are often used as examples of graph structures, but there are many others: forums with threaded and cross-referenced discussions, semantic knowledge bases, warehouse and parts management, music "genomes," user-tagged media sharing sites, and many science and engineering applications.
Though fast, querying a complex graph can be difficult to prototype. Fortunately, the Gremlin and SPARQL languages do for graphs what SQL does for relational databases. Your query becomes coherent and portable.
A popular graph database is Neo4j, and it's especially easy to use with Prudence. Because it's JVM-based, you can access it internally from Prudence. It also has embedded bindings for many of Prudence's supported languages, and supports a network REST interface which you can easily access via Prudence's document.external API.

Document Databases

If your data is composed mostly of "documents"—self-contained records with few relationships to other documents—then consider a document database.
Document databases allow for straightforward distribution and very fine-grained replication, requiring considerably less overhead than relational and graph databases. Document databases are as scalable as data storage gets: variants are used by all the super-massive Internet services.
The cost of this scalability is the loss of your ability to do relational queries of your data. Instead, you'll be using distributed map/reduce, or rely on an indexing service. These are powerful tools, but they do not match relational queries in sheer flexibility of complex queries. Implementing something as simple as a many-to-many connection, the bread-and-butter of relational databases, is non-trivial in document databases. Where document databases shine is at listing, sorting and searching through very large catalogs of documents.
Candidate applications include online retail, blogs, CMS, archives, newspapers, contact lists, calendars, photo galleries, dating profiles… The list is actually quite long, making document databases very attractive for many products. But, it's important to always be aware of their limitations: for example, merely adding social networking capabilities to a dating site would require complex relations that might be better handled with a graph database. The combination of a document database with a graph database might, in fact, be enough to remove any benefit a relational database could bring.
A popular document database is MongoDB. Though document-based, it has a few basic relational features that might be just good enough for your needs. OrientDB is interesting because it handles does both documents and graphs, and is entirely JVM-based. Another is CouchDB, which is a truly distributed database. With CouchDB it's trivial to replicate and synchronize data with clients' desktops or mobile devices, and to distribute it to partners. It also supports a REST interface which you can easily access via Prudence's document.external API. And, both MongoDB and CouchDB use JavaScript extensively, making it natural to use with Prudence's JavaScript flavor.
We've started a project to better integrate Prudence JavaScript with MongoDB.

Column Databases

These can be considered as subsets of document databases. The "document," in this case, is required to have an especially simple, one-dimensional structure.
This requirement allows optimization for a truly massive scale.
Column databases occupy the "cloud" market niche: they allow companies like Google and Amazon to offer cheap database storage and services for third parties. See Google's Datastore (based on Bigtable) and Amazon's SimpleDB (based on Dynamo; actually, Dynamo is a "key/value" database, which is even more opaque than a column database).
Though you can run your own column database via open source projects like Cassandra (originally developed by/for Facebook), HBase and Redis, the document databases mentioned above offer richer document structures and more features. Consider column databases only if you need truly massive scale, or if you want to make use of the cheap storage offered by "cloud" vendors.

Best of All Worlds

Of course, consider that it's very possible to use both SQL and "NoSQL" (graph, document, column) databases together for different parts of your application. See backend partitioning.