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DEBUG_ENV - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
DEBUG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
DelegatedPlugin - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity
Allows you to delegate the Plugin1 interface to non-Java languages running in the JVM, using the Scripturian library.
DelegatedPlugin(File, Container<?, ?>, ScripturianShell) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.DelegatedPlugin
DelegatedPlugin(File, Sincerity, ScripturianShell) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.DelegatedPlugin
DelegatePlugin - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin
The delegate plugin supports the following commands: main: invokes the main() entry point of a class.
DelegatePlugin() - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.DelegatePlugin
deleteEmptyDirectoryRecursive(File) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.IoUtil
Deletes an empty directory, including all parent directories that are also empty, stopping at the first non-empty parent.
deleteRecursive(File) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.IoUtil
Deletes a file or a subdirectory tree.
Dependencies<M extends Module> - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies
Manages the dependencies of a Container, including its classpath of Jars as well as other managed artifacts.
Dependencies(File, Container<M, ?>) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Dependencies
Parses the Ivy module descriptor, and loads the managed artifacts database.
DEPENDENCIES_CONF - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Container
DependenciesPane - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing
Shows all resolved dependencies in the current container.
DependenciesPane(Dependencies<?>) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.DependenciesPane
DependenciesPlugin - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin
The dependencies plugin supports the following commands: dependencies: prints out the resolved dependency tree for this container. licenses: prints out the licenses of all resolved dependencies in this container.
DependenciesPlugin() - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.DependenciesPlugin
DEPENDENCY_ICON - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.SwingUtil
dispose() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.Console
doConfigure() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.logging.ProgrammableConfiguration
dumpStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
Dumps an exception's stack trace to standard error.
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