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rawArguments - Variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Command
The original (raw) arguments of the command.
readJson(File) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.IoUtil
Decodes a JSON UTF-8 file into JVM primitives and collection/map instances.
readLines(File) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.IoUtil
Reads all lines in a file using UTF-8.
readLines(InputStream) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.IoUtil
Reads all lines in a stream using UTF-8.
reboot() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
Reboots Sincerity without forcing a new container bootstrap.
reboot(boolean) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
Reboots Sincerity, resubmitting the current command queue to the new instance.
RebootException - Exception in com.threecrickets.sincerity.exception
Signifies that Sincerity is in the process of rebooting, and that no further operations should take place in the current instance.
RebootException() - Constructor for exception com.threecrickets.sincerity.exception.RebootException
ReenteringDocumentException - Exception in com.threecrickets.sincerity.exception
Signifies that Sincerity tried to enter a Scripturian document that was already entered.
ReenteringDocumentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.threecrickets.sincerity.exception.ReenteringDocumentException
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.ArtifactsPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.CommandsPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.DependenciesPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.LicensesPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.ProgramsPane
refresh() - Method in interface com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.Refreshable
Refresh the object.
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.RepositoriesPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.ShortcutsPane
refresh() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.TemplatesPane
Refreshable - Interface in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing
Objects that can be refreshed.
remove() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Command
Removes this command from the Sincerity instance's current command queue.
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.ivy.IvyRepositories
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Repositories
Removes a resolver.
removeCommand(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
Removes a command from the current command queue.
removeExplicitDependency(String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Dependencies
Revokes an explicit dependency.
removeExplicitDependency(String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.ivy.IvyDependencies
removeTextNodes(Element) - Static method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.XmlUtil
Recursively removes all text nodes from a DOM element.
Repositories - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies
Manages the source repositories for a Container.
Repositories() - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Repositories
REPOSITORIES_CONF - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Container
RepositoriesPane - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing
Shows all repositories attached to the current container.
RepositoriesPane(Sincerity) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.RepositoriesPane
RepositoriesPlugin - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin
The repositories plugin supports the following commands: repositories: prints out a list of all repositories attached to this container, organized by section ("public" and "private"). attach: attaches a repository to this container.
RepositoriesPlugin() - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.RepositoriesPlugin
Repository - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies
Repository() - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Repository
REPOSITORY_SECTION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Repositories
reset() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Dependencies
Revokes all explicit and implicit dependencies.
reset() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.ivy.IvyDependencies
reviseExplicitDependency(String, String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.Dependencies
Changes the version for an explicit dependency that has already been specified.
reviseExplicitDependency(String, String, String) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.ivy.IvyDependencies
revision - Variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.dependencies.ivy.IvyModule.Caller
root - Variable in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Template
The root directory.
RootDirectory - Class in com.threecrickets.sincerity.util
Utilities for files under a root directory.
RootDirectory(File) - Constructor for class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.RootDirectory
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.DelegatedPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.ArtifactsPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.ContainerPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.DelegatePlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.DependenciesPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.HelpPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.JavaPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.PackagesPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.RepositoriesPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.ShellPlugin
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.ShortcutsPlugin
run() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.Console
run() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.swing.Frame
run(Command) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.plugin.TemplatesPlugin
run(Command) - Method in interface com.threecrickets.sincerity.Plugin1
Runs a command.
run(Object...) - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
Runs a command line with the current set of plugs.
run() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.Sincerity
run() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.Pipe
run() - Method in class com.threecrickets.sincerity.util.ProcessDestroyer
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